GDPR Privacy Policy


The purpose of this policy is to outline how Longevity Partners Limited has established measures to protect your privacy and information rights. 


We recognise that you have rights as a ‘data subject’, and that we have an obligation to uphold these. 

This privacy notice aims to outline how we maintain these rights.  In particular, it outlines:

  • How we collect and process your information
  • Why we do this
  • How you can exercise your rights;
  • Who to contact in the event you’re unhappy with our performance.

In various circumstances, your rights are as follows:



Right to be informed

This encompasses the obligation for us to be transparent in how we collect and use your personal data.

Right of access

You have the right to access your personal data and supplementary information.

Right to rectification

If the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you can request that we correct this.

Right to erasure

You can request that we delete or remove personal data where there is no compelling reason for us to continue processing

Right to restrict processing

You have the right to request that we cease processing your data, if:

  • you consider it inaccurate or incomplete;
  • you object to processing and we are considering whether we still have a legitimate interest to process it.

Right to data portability

  • Where you have consented to our processing your data, or where the processing is necessary for us to deliver a contract, you can request a copy of that data be provided to a third party in electronic form. 

Right to object

You have the right to object to our processing under certain circumstances. For example, you can object to:

  • direct marketing (including profiling); and
  • processing for purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics

Rights relating to automated decision making including profiling

  • Where we apply automated decision making, we must
  • give you information about the processing;
  • introduce simple ways for you to request human intervention or challenge a decision;
  • carry out regular checks to make sure that our systems are working as intended


Information related to automated decision making is contained later in this notice.


This privacy notice outlines how we are transparent in our processing. Please get in touch with us through the ‘contact details’ section to find out more or to exercise your information rights.  There are circumstances in which we will decline your request, but we will explain this clearly to you.

Please find below a summary of the information we process and how we use this to deliver services to you.

Information we collect

Why we collect this

How we process this


We process this information on our employees to allow us to administer their employment and benefits. 

We process this information as one would expect of a responsible employer – to pay salaries, administer benefits, manage our obligations as an employer. 


Business administration (electronic file and document storage)

Business administration (email)

Human resources

Sub contractors

Our basis for processing this information is that it is necessary for us to deliver the services that you have contracted to. 

We need to hold sub contractor information to allow us to deliver our commitments.


We share data with a number of third parties in the course of delivering our services.  These are summarised below:

  • Our IT service provider, InstantOnIT, provides offsite backup services for us. 
  • BDO are our auditors and operate payroll on our behalf. 
  • PeopleHR provides us a cloud-based HR management system, to help us administer employee records. 
  • We can share information with other members of the Long Harbour group to support us in day-to-day business administration. 
  • We use the Office 365 suite provided by Microsoft to handle our email and other office automation. 


Longevity Partners Limited retains information for seven (7) years from our point of last contact.  We hold this information to support our legal and regulatory requirements.  If you object to this retention, please contact us – details provided in the ‘Contact’ section.


Longevity Partners Limited does not routinely make use of automated decision making or profiling in processing your data. 


Longevity Partners Limited applies technical and organisational security measures in line with industry good practices such as ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials.


We recognise that you may have questions on how we process and/or store your data, or may want to change either the data we hold on you or how we communicate with you in the future. 

If you have any questions in respect of this notice, or would like to exercise your rights as a data subject (for example, to correct data or to exercise your right to access):

  • Longevity Partners Limited, as data controller, can be contacted as follows: 5th Floor, One, St. Paul’s Churchyard, London EC4M 8AP
  • The Data Protection Officer can be contacted as follows at the above address or by email:
  • All European data protection queries can be sent to our EU Representative by email: 

If you are unhappy that we have responded to your query adequately, of if you have a further complaint, The Information Commissioner’s Office can be contacted at via …. Or by email European data protection complaints should be made to the relevant European Data Protection Supervisor.


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