Register for Longevity Partners’ Webinar
Embodied Carbon, The Whole Picture
June 29th, 2023 (2PM-2.50PM BST)
Embodied Carbon, The Whole Picture: A fund manager and development manager’s guide to embodied carbon.
The building sector contributes to 39% of global carbon emissions, with 28% attributable to the operation of buildings (ie. operational carbon) and 11% to the materials and construction processes (ie. embodied carbon). With the increasingly successful reduction of operational carbon, embodied carbon is growing in importance as a proportion of a building’s total emissions. Accurate measurement and reporting of embodied carbon is therefore becoming critical to ensuring real progress towards net zero carbon goals. To accomplish both short- and long-term climate commitments, whether at asset- or portfolio-level, embodied carbon must be addressed.
In this webinar, Longevity Partners will demystify embodied carbon for fund managers and development managers alike. Our speakers will explain what it is, why it’s so important and how it must be addressed at both the development- and fund-level, and how to integrate into an ESG strategy. The session will also consider how embodied carbon is addressed and included in notable frameworks, such as the UKGBC and SBTi, as well as its inclusion in existing and emerging European regulations.
This is not a session to be missed.
Register via the form below.
The webinar will be hosted in English and presented by four Longevity Partners experts: 
Louise Ellison joined Longevity Partners’ board as a senior advisor in 2019 and was appointed as Longevity Partners’ global Chief Commercial Officer in 2021. Louise heads the development of tailored programmes for our partners to achieve their current and future ESG and climate goals. As a member of our Executive team, Louise also advises the Board on strategy and governance.
Clodagh Cant leads a team dedicated to reducing embodied carbon and promoting circular economy initiatives in new developments and major refurbishments. Clodagh has also been actively involved in organisations such as LETI (Low Energy Transformation Initiative) and UKGBC (UK Green Building Council), working collaboratively to create educational resources and promote knowledge-sharing within the industry.
Ding Li leads Longevity Partners’ Strategy service across the group. She and her team advise on ESG strategies and implementation, science-based net-zero roadmaps and social value across the property landscape. She marries her knowledge in strategic planning and experience working in rating agencies and engineering firms to develop ESG strategies that are ambitious and practical.
Kitty Greenwood joined Longevity Partners in September 2021 after completing her Masters Degree from Imperial College London in Environmental Technology. Kitty has previous experience working in renewable energy utilities as a clean energy specialist and in internships for Solarcentury, Climate Action, and Ulu Initiative developing an off-grid solar project in Indonesia.