Decarbonisation Dashboard: Transforming Real Estate Sustainability


Decarbonising the global real estate sector is a monumental challenge requiring urgent and strategic action. We have introduced a groundbreaking solution to address this challenge: the Decarbonisation Dashboard. This innovative platform revolutionises sustainability management by providing comprehensive insights, actionable data, and streamlined processes for commercial real estate portfolios of any size.

Introducing a Fully Customisable Decarbonisation Dashboard

Experience the power of data-driven sustainability management.

Streamline processes, accelerate progress, and unlock the potential for a more sustainable future.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Tracking: Monitor carbon emissions and track decarbonisation progress at asset, portfolio, and fund levels.
  • Interactive Interface: Customise views and explore carbon performance metrics in real-time with intuitive interactive features.
  • Tailored Solutions: Design implementation plans, cost estimates, and timelines aligned with your sustainability goals.
  • Scenario Analysis: Assess the impact of hypothetical scenarios on carbon performance and strategic planning.
  • Actionable Insights: Identify high-impact measures and assets, prioritise decarbonisation efforts, and optimise returns.


  • Enhanced Visibility: Gain unparalleled visibility into carbon performance across your portfolios, empowering informed decision-making.
  • Cost and Time Savings: Eliminate manual data organisation and interpretation, saving valuable resources.
  • Strategic Alignment: Ensure alignment with sustainability goals and regulatory requirements through tailored solutions.
  • Efficient Decision Making: Empower key decision-makers with actionable insights, reducing the risk of ineffective strategies.

Who can benefit from the decarbonisation dashboard:

  • Heads of Sustainability and ESG: Executives overseeing environmental, social, and governance initiatives.
  • Asset and Fund Managers: Professionals managing commercial real estate portfolios.
  • Corporates: Stakeholders involved in strategic sustainability decision-making.

Experience the power of Longevity’s Decarbonisation Dashboard and revolutionise your approach to sustainability in real estate. Unlock actionable insights, streamline processes, and accelerate progress towards a more sustainable future.

To find out more and request a demo, please contact our team of sustainability specialists at

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