Discover the new interactive BREEAM and UN Sustainable Development Goals mapping

The BRE has just launched an interactive website, mapping the BREEAM criteria with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). It aims to help understanding the ways in which they support the built environment achieving these goals and becoming more responsible. Among these SDGs, we find themes such as Responsible Consumption & Production, Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions, Industry Innovation & Infrastructure or Good Health & Well-Being.  

A correlation was made between 14 of the 17 SDGs and the BREEAM Schemes criteria, therefore testifying of a high synergy between the philosophy behind BREEAM Certification and UN Sustainability goals.

When using a BREEAM Certification Scheme, property owners or managers will now be able to clearly understand, but also demonstrate to investors, clients or tenants the ways in which their asset optimization fits into a more global purpose, supporting UN SDGs and participating to a better, more sustainable vision for the world.

As the company with the largest number of BREEAM assessors in the world, Longevity Partners has guided and continues to guide many property owners and managers through their asset optimization journey with BREEAM Certification Schemes, helping them take their sustainable goals even further.

Access the BRE’s online interactive website or download this free PDF which explains the context of the BREEAM schemes in relation to the SDGs and provides a high-level overview of the synergies between the schemes and various SDGs goals.

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